In Memory of Steven

I know it's been a while, and I hate for my first post in so long to be a sad one, but my cousin Steven passed away last Friday, and so this post is in memory of him. Many of my memories of Steven are from childhood with a giant grin as big as the moon, so this very serious picture of him in his military uniform looks a little silly to me. But it's the only one I have a copy of at the moment, so it'll have to do. I remember his laughter and innocence as a kid, at the family parties and the carnival and celebrating birthdays. He adored my sister who is the same age as him. They always shared birthdays together because their birthdays were both around the same time in June. Steven was a foster child, not my biological cousin, but he definitely was a member of the family and will be missed. Even with his smile and sense of humor, life was never easy for him. He had so many hurdles, but I believe he grew into a fine young man. It's times like these I wish I lived closer to my family. He served in Iraq, but died rather suddenly in a car accident. I can only imagine the grief my Aunt and cousins are feeling. We were able to go back to CT for a visit this past weekend, which I was grateful for. I don't know what comes next, but I hope he finds peace.
This was his last facebook post "Today is international love a human day. Instead of catching an attitude with someone or causing an issue just look at them and remember, we are all human. Appreciate the qualities of humanity. Just for today."
Live your life with love and compassion, hope and dignity... we never know how much time we have here.