Beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Christmas cards are beginning to line the top of our old stereo cabinet and I'm reminded how fast Christmas is coming this year. I still have to write all mine!This is definitely going to be a much more laid back Christmas with a newborn in the house. We're not traveling this year and gift giving is going to be very simplified. I'm amazed we actually managed to get a tree up. My Dad and Jake visited a tree farm and picked out this lovely one.

I'm feeling a bunch of guilt about how much I can actually accomplish this year. Sadly, I've decided not to make any handmade gifts. I just don't have the energy or the time with this sweet little lady who needs cuddling and nursing and changing and more cuddling. I also still have a bit of healing and recovery to do myself from a difficult labor, and I'm trying to not push myself too hard. Jake and I have decided to skip gift giving for each other altogether this year, which is a bit of a relief. I really don't enjoy giving rushed or hurried gifts and that's exactly what they'd be if we tried. I'm glad I made and found a few things for Oona before she was born, even though I'm sure she would be happy just to be held. Speaking of which, I think she needs some holding right now.
She's 3 weeks and a day today! My how the time flies!
